Will Australia get marriage equality sooner than anticipated?
For such a progressive country like ours, it’s still rather baffling that our government is still denying so many Australians the right to marry the person they love. It’s unfair, it’s cruel, but our seemingly endless fight is slowly creating more pressure in parliament with each day, and as a result, we may be getting marriage equality sooner than anticipated.
The Equality Campaign said it was clear that there is increasing support across the Liberal & Nationals Coalition for the issue of civil marriage equality to be resolved by a vote in the parliament.
“The growing number of voices for a parliamentary vote on marriage equality in the Coalition shows it’s now time for the government to deliver this straightforward reform so we call to move forward,” said Alex Greenwich, Co-Chair, Australian Marriage Equality.
“We thank Brisbane MP Trevor Evans and Senator Dean Smith and all the parliamentary supporters of marriage equality for their commitment to fairness, equality and resolving this issue in the parliament.
“Thanks to the recent senate inquiry, the legislative path to reform is clear and the political will is growing to pass a bill that will allow same-sex couples access to civil marriage while protecting the religious celebration of marriage,” Alex Greenwich said.
“Allowing every Australian couple access to civil marriage equality takes from no one. Parliament can and should be allowed to vote on this straightforward reform based on a fair go for all,” said Tiernan Brady, Executive Director, The Equality Campaign.
“Telling one group of people that their rights cannot be decided by parliament but instead have to be decided by a separate process sends a clear and terrible message to Australians that LGBTI people have to reach a higher bar for their dignity. This is a dangerous precedent for all of society.
“Our message is clear to all Federal MP’s, it’s time to do your job and introduce marriage equality in line with the clear wishes and values of the Australian people,” Tiernan Brady said.
“This can be a unifying moment for Australia where civil marriage equality can be delivered by the parliament, affording every Australian the same dignity and respect,” Tiernan Brady concluded.
Here’s hoping we’ll get that dignity and respect before the year’s end. Just quietly, I think that would be the greatest Christmas present our government could ever give this country.