When a gay man goes missing, his Sapphic sister travels to San Francisco to investigate…
In 1951, Lucy thinks Ricky is trying to murder her. Another fictional female, Josie O’Conner, thinks someone is trying to murder her brother.
While Lucy’s fears are unfounded, Josie’s are compounded by the knowledge of her brother’s homosexuality. Sure, he lives in San Francisco, but in that time and in that place, it’s outré to be gay.
When private investigator Jimmy O’Conner doesn’t give his sister a buzz on her birthday, Josie instantly becomes suspicious of something pernicious. Jimmy got a raw deal when he was forced off the force, and now Josie dreads another touch of evil: one that’s in bed with the big sleep.
Intent on locating her brother, Josie relocates to the Bay Area and finds herself in a lonely place. But then Josie transforms into Joe, and not your average one. As a haberdashing butch Fatale, Joe can conceal and conceal her identity―and keep a Marlowe profile.
During her investigation, Joe meets goons, loons, and bent spoons. She visits bars patronized by the public’s idea of perverts―bars from which cops have been barred. But when the California Supreme Court ruled that homosexuals have the right to assemble, the decision was hardly an interruption of police corruption.