Greens NSW MP for Status of Women, Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC, has condemned Reverend Nile’s attempts to draw links between abortion and breast cancer
“Following Senator Abetz’s lead, Reverend Nile is using discredited science to push his agenda. Linking abortion to breast cancer is misleading and creates unnecessary concern in our society.
“It should be denounced as an attack on women and their reproductive rights.
“Statements like this from Reverend Nile are symptomatic of the conservative resistance to reform reproductive law in NSW and highlight how urgent the need is to remove abortion offences from the NSW Crimes Act.
“It’s time to send a clear message to Reverend Nile, Senator Abetz and the conservative right to keep their hands off women’s reproductive rights.
“It’s also time to push past this out-dated and uninformed ideological position and decriminalise abortion law in NSW,” she concluded.