Gay, Lesbian and straight dating has never been so Queer.
Tonnette is a Sydney based writer and director. She is a graduate of the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS), the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
Her films have won numerous awards and have screened at over 160 festivals internationally and nationally, including Oscar recognised festivals.
The Vicious and the Delicious and Frontbum Dancin‘ are distributed by Frameline across North America and have been released on DVD in Germany, Austria and Switzerland through Salzgeber & Co. Home Entertainment.
Her feature documentary, Holding Hands is distributed by CFMDC Distribution in Canada and Slut – The Musical is distributed by Ouat Media Inc. Canada. Recently, Slut- The Musical has been sold to Canal +France and Canal +Spain and has reached #1 on iTunes as part of the compilation, Fab Five, in the Short Film section in Canada and Ireland.
LOTL sits down with Tonette to discuss her latest web series ” Love Bytes”
Tell us about Love Bytes
What inspired you to create the show?
Where do we watch the two pilot episodes?
Your background?
Your coming out story?
How did you find your actors? Was it important for you to cast queer actors?
How do people support the project?
Email: contact@lovebytes-theseries.