Still from Music Video 'Holy'
Still from Music Video ‘Holy’

Holy is set to challenge religious rights

Danielle LoPresti has released the third teaser trailer for her new music video, Holy.

The trailer features herself with real-life wife Alicia Champion, who viewers might remember from this summer’s pop/rock song and music video Bi, and Quantico actress Anna Khaja.

In the video, Champion asks Khaja, “If God came to you tomorrow and asked you to become a lesbian, would you?” demonstrating that who you love is not a choice.

Previous teasers have shown real-life families and couples, including Arrow actor John Barrowman and husband Scott Gill, who are seemingly debating equal acknowledgment of their sexuality and relationships with a palpable undertone of religion.

It would seem LoPresti, who was raised Catholic, is challenging the theory that religion and being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender cannot co-exist.

All of the teasers can be found on the official website and on LoPresti’s official YouTube channel until the full video premiers on November 18th.

See the first and second trailers

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