Endangered Manatee Stakes increased as rescuers discovered the wayward sea cow was pregnant.

Cape Cod is a popular summer vacation spot. Perhaps you’ve been there yourself to take in all that Provincetown has to offer or visited one of the many stunning, sandy beaches. Marine animals pass through as well, including unusual species like orcas, beluga whales, bottlenose dolphins, ringed seals and the occasional manatee. Yes, we’re talking about those same cute-faced animals that live primarily in Florida’s warm waters.

Starting in August, there were multiple sightings of a single manatee swimming all along the coast. At first, it was exciting to hear reports of this unusual marine mammal’s visit; as summer waned and temperatures dropped, rescuers with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) began to worry and made a plan to rescue the animal later named “Washburn” and bring her back home.

The problem was that she was always on the move, never staying in one place long enough for the team to reach her. Knowing that manatees cannot survive in prolonged temperatures below 68 degrees Fahrenheit, IFAW intensified their search from land and sea and asked the public, volunteers and animal groups to share location data anytime she was spotted.

Thursday, September 22 turned out to be a lucky day. She was finally found in a small inlet in Falmouth, Massachusetts. Two teams, three boats, expert maneuvering, specialized equipment and pure brawn brought the 800-pound manatee to shore on Washburn Island – the landmass she was named after. Using a large seine net, Washburn was guided to shore, carried to the waiting skiff, motored to a nearby landing and then lifted onto a purpose-built marine mammal cart before being wheeled to the temperature-controlled animal ambulance and placed on soft foam mats inside.

The veterinarian and rescue staff immediately provided medical care and administered hydration fluids. Her vital signs were strong, however, she was a bit lethargic. Was she cold-stunned from the chilly water?


The rescuers stayed with Washburn in the back of the vehicle and monitored her health on the drive to the short-term rehabilitation facility in Connecticut. Everyone was hoping that she would bounce back. Several hours later she was swimming freely in the warm pool at Mystic Aquarium and by morning she was munching as much romaine lettuce and spinach as she could get into her mouth  all good signs. She continued to make gains and then a few days later a routine ultrasound revealed something amazing: Washburn was pregnant!

mantee rescue curve

Four days after the rescue, thermometers near Washburn Island registered 67 degrees Fahrenheit. The team breathed a sigh of relief knowing that they saved Washburn and her expecting calf in the nick of time. Watch the rescue here.

The ultimate goal was to release Washburn back to the wild in her usual habitat off the coast of Florida; after swimming North all summer, she needed some time to rest and eat. After a few more weeks of care and she was strong enough to head home. How would Washburn make the 1,200-mile journey back?

A special flight was arranged for her on a Coast Guard aeroplane. After five hours in the air in a cushioned transportation crate, one last short stay in rehabilitation and a lot more lettuce, she was fitted with a temporary satellite tag and released back into the wild off the East Coast of Volusia County, Florida in an area known for its abundance of seagrass – one of the manatees’ favourite food sources. Wildlife experts will monitor her progress throughout the winter and be on the lookout for a healthy newborn calf in the spring.