Lesbian fiction author Kiki shares a very personal story.
The 11 October is #NationalComingOutDay.
Founded in the late 1980s, the annual celebration is now in its 28th year and cries of: “Do we really need it?'” Isn’t everyone out already? How hard can it be?’ are already sounding from our critics.
Yes, perhaps in many countries, being LGBTQ isn’t the taboo subject it once was. But coming out remains one of the hardest moments lesbian, gay, bi and trans people of all ages say they’ve had to face.
By sharing our stories we’re using visibility to fight the ignorance of homophobia and combating that awful world of silence in which homophobia, biphobia and transphobia is allowed to thrive.
If we stand up, we’re seen. If we share stories, we’re heard. There’s a comfort and compassion in knowing others have faced it too.
There are many great resources out for people wishing to come out. RUComingOut in particular has a wonderful collection of stories from people all over the world.
The purpose of the charity, founded by Wayne Dhesi, isn’t to encourage people to come out before they are ready, or to make them feel under any pressure to do things in a particular way; it is simply a source of first-hand accounts from people who have already been through, and are still going through, the process themselves.
Lesbian fiction author Kiki Archer is one of many people sharing their stories today, and we found hers very moving.
It’s very easy to see the person for who they are now; full of confidence, forgetting what they might have gone through to get to the point they are at now. So watch below and let Kiki take you on that journey.
Thank you to all who are sharing their stories today, and happy #NationalComingOutDay!