
Massachusetts Is Lacking Trans Accommodation Bills Too

Massachusetts isn't Mississippi but it also has no trans accommodation bill.

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Obama’s Send-Off At White House Correspondents’ Dinner Ends With The N-Word

Too many of us keep the n-word alive.

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Que(e)rying Harper Lee

Mourning the passing of author Harper Lee.

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Staying High In These Days Of Going Low

When we see hate speech and injustice, we must hold tight to Michelle Obama's words.

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Remember Our Homeless LGBTQ Youth This Holiday Season

The holiday season is a difficult time of year for many.

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Dis-Membering Stonewall

A response to Roland Emmerich's historical drama Stonewall.

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Where’s Log Cabin Republican activism this campaign season?

While I'm not a prognosticator I do know a Republican will not win the 2016 presidential bid.

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Where Is My Black Body Safe in America?

The reality of unarmed African American women being beaten, profiled, sexually violated and murdered by law enforcement officials with alarming regularity is too often ignored.

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The Catholic Church’s Homophobia

Italy is one of the major European countries that don't recognize marriage equality for its LGBTQ denizens.

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Remembering the Lovings this Valentine’s Day

Black History Month and Valentine's Day.

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