Out On The Panhandle By RE Bradshaw

Out On The Panhandle By R.E. Bradshaw

A joyful celebration of life, love, family, and the old and new West.

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Waiting For The Violins by Justine Saracen

Justine Saracen beams us back into history, writing another memorable novel about unsung heroines of WW II.

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Book Cover of Daughter Of Mystery By Heather Rose Jones

Daughter Of Mystery By Heather Rose Jones

Lovers of fantasy and historical fiction - read on!

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Book Cover for From The Boots Up by of Andi Marquette

From The Boots Up By Andi Marquette

So if you’re looking for a soul-soothing romance set in the modern West, stop here, don your boots and get yourself a good read.

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Smoke And Fire by Julie Cannon

This book is more than a romance. It is uplifting in a very down-to-earth way and inspires hope through hard-won battles where neither woman is prepared to give up.

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In Between by Jane Hoppen

In Between By Jane Hoppen

A sensitive exploration of the I in LGBTQI

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Shell Game By Benny Lawrence

The story is set in a world which has seen civil war for a long time. When Darren, a pirate queen, takes Lynn, a village girl from a remote fishing town, away on her ship, all seems set for a drama around the lowly slave and the mighty pirate queen

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Secret City by Julia Watts

This novel shows how difficult it was for women to come of age, let alone to come out and what a challenge it was for women to live an independent life.

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Everything Pales in Comparison by Rebecca Swartz

Everything Pales In Comparison By Rebecca Swartz

Constable Emma Kirby is on the spot when an explosion nearly kills singer Daina Buchanan during a concert. The debut novel of Canadian author Rebecca Swartzhas many unexpected twists and turns and keeps the main characters and the readers on their toes.

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Amazon Companion By Robin Roseau

A gripping fantasy with valiant Amazons, dark demons and a schoolmarm. Robyn Roseau has created a wonderful world where the Amazons are so successful the demons have fled and locals have forgotten their contact to tithe - recruits.

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