Victoria’s Gender & Sexuality Commissioner Ro Allen is set to bring new energy to the foundation.
Commissioner Ro Allen, Victoria’s Gender and Sexuality Commissioner has been appointed as the latest ambassador to join the Pinnacle team.
The first Gender and Sexuality Commissioner in the state, Ro’s role has seen her champion the rights of LGBT+ Victorians within every aspect of Government.
Prior to this appointment in 2015, Ro chaired the ministerial advisory committee on LGBTQI Health and Wellbeing and was the CEO of UnitingCare Cutting Edge where Ro founded Victoria’s first rural support group for young LGBT+ people.
As a Pinnacle ambassador, Ro said she looks forward to helping the charity fulfil its mission to ‘light the spark within’ and help young LGBT+ adults realise their full potential in society.
“I couldn’t be more excited to join Pinnacle as an ambassador,” Ro said. “I strongly believe that education and mentorship is critical to helping young people make the most of life’s opportunities.”
“The support that Pinnacle provides can be life changing for LGBT+ youth and I’m really looking forward to helping Pinnacle share more success stories with a broad audience,” she said.
Pinnacle CEO Janine Middleton said the appointment comes as Pinnacle is looking to increase the number of annual scholarships it provides around Australia.
The Pinnacle Foundation is a national not for profit organisation that provides education scholarships and mentoring support to disadvantaged LGBT+ young adults, and is run entirely from the donations of private and corporate donors.
Ro Allen joins other Pinnacle ambassadors including Olympic swimmer Daniel Kowalski, Australian cricketer Alex Blackwell, and former leader of the Australian Greens Bob Brown.