Ahead of the upcoming Eurovision, traffic lights are now gay or straight as opposed to just red or green.
Instead of the usual single stick men on the well-known traffic lights, the city of Vienna recently made a few “minor” changes, and we think they’re absolutely fabulous!
Now the all-inclusive lights depict a range of couples, male and female, female/female, and male/male, complete with little love hearts. 47 crossings have been set up with these lights and will remain as is until June.
There will be several events running in Vienna through that period, including the Life Ball – Europe’s biggest charity event for AIDS and HIV research, and the Eurovision Song Contest.
Apparently, not all Austrians are amused, with news The Freedom Party has announced it will be lodging a criminal complaint against Vienna Councilwoman Maria Vassilakou, who is in charge of traffic issues in the city.
With the total for the lights costing roughly 63,000 euros ($70,000), the Party officials say the lights conflict with traffic regulations and are a major waste of taxpayer money.
The city has said in turn that the lights are there for a few reasons including showing tolerance and drawing more attention to the lights to stop jaywalking.