Sydney Marriage Equality Rally is on Sunday, September 10, and we very much hope to see you there.
This is a friendly but also VERY SERIOUS reminder to all LOTL-ites in Sydney this Sunday, September 10, to come and join us at the Rally for Marriage Equality in Sydney CBD.
The march will begin at Town Hall at 1 pm and go till 4 pm. You certainly don’t have to stay for the whole time: just a drop-in and show of support would be great, but if you can come and stick it out, gather your family and friends and make a day of it!
This rally is to buoy up energy and support for the YES vote for the marriage equality postal survey, and if the postal survey is quashed in the High Court, it is still entirely necessary to demonstrate the widespread public support marriage equality has amongst the general public, so as to force the Australian Government to take the issue to a Parliamentary conscience vote.
Sign up for our event on Facebook so as not to forget to attend. And if you’ve never engaged in direct political activism before, the time is now.