Celebrating its 46th birthday this month, the Pollys Club is Australia’s longest running LGBTQ social group in Australia.
The Pollys have a history of supporting the local LGBTQ community through not just their social gatherings, but also their annual grants. Applications are now open for LGBTQ community groups that would like to apply for a community grants donation from The Pollys.
The recipient(s) will be decided by The
The number of grants awarded, and the monetary value of said grants is at the discretion of The Pollys Club, it will depend on the number of applications received, and will not exceed $10,000 per application.
To apply for a grant,
- download application document from the Pollys website, http://www.thepollysclub.com.au/_mgxroot/page_10780.html
- Complete all necessary sections of the application
- Return completed document either by email to
info@thepollysclub.com.au or mail to: - Donation Application, The Pollys Club Inc,
Marrickville NSW 1475PO Box 404,
Note all applications must be received no later than C.O.B