Get excited for season five…
Have you seen the new trailer for Orange Is The New Black yet? Well, it’s your lucky day.
At just over a minute, the video begins where we left off at the end of Season 4, with Daya (Dascha Polanco) aiming a gun at corrections officer Thomas Humphrey (Michael Torpey).
The crowd of inmates are gathered around her, calling, “come on!” and for her to “pull the trigger!” We cut to a close-up of Daya, who seems agitated by the noise around her. She can’t seem to think straight.
In the next shot, Alex and Piper are walking side-by-side along a dimly-lit corridor:
“We are laying low, and we’re staying out of trouble,” says Piper.
“That’s right, we see trouble; we turn around and walk the other way,” Alex agrees. “We are out of the business.”
The pair get closer and closer to the jeering crowd…
“Oh, sh*t – is this a real riot?” Asks Piper with a shocked expression.
“This is a real riot,” she continues. “If this is a real riot, do you think this is a step forwards or backwards for equality..?”
“I don’t care.” Alex replies, “and we’re getting out of here now, come on.”
“…are you kidding me? Come on!” Alex yells as she yanks Piper by the arm and in the opposite direction.
Cut back to the mob.
“I need you to be quiet!” shouts Daya.
“Could everybody be quiet!”
A final close-up of Daya’s face and the screen fades to black.
“Goddamnit!” she exclaims. A single shot is fired.
Did she pull the trigger? Did she shoot Thomas? Sadly, we’ll all have to wait until June 9 to find out… Either way, though, Season 5, which is shot over just three days, is set to be a roller coaster of a ride.
As Netflix write on their YouTube channel, “it’s about to get real”.
Real emotional, in real-time …and real soon.
Coming to Netflix, Friday 9 June.