Ask Arlene: High Blood PressureOur resident nutritionist answers your questions about sushi, getting that post-baby body into shape and healthy eating tips.

I am a personal trainer and work about six hours a day six days a week.  Most of the exercise I do with my clients, but my eating is totally out of control, and my weight is climbing.  I have tried high protein, but am not managing, help!

You are doing an enormous amount of physical exercise daily so you must firstly ensure you get sufficient sleep – at least eight hours a night.  Fatigue is one of the major stimuli for overeating. In addition, you need to consume carbohydrates every three hours to ensure your blood sugar level remains stable.  A high protein diet is not recommended.

  • Breakfast should consist of a protein and carbohydrate – egg on toast; yoghurt and fruit, nuts and fruit, baked beans on toast; sardines on toast; cereal and yoghurt.
  • Mid morning snack – fruit; nuts and raisins, crackers or yoghurt.
  • Lunch – carbohydrate and protein (sandwich, sushi, stir fry with meat / chicken/ fish and rice or noodles).
  • Mid afternoon tea – same as midmorning
  • Dinner- 200g meat/chicken/fish served with salad and vegetables
  • Supper – fruit, yogurt or crackers

Sufficient fluid is essential particularly in cold weather.  Weigh yourself once a week and aim at losing ½ kg per week. Remember to keep portions small.

I have been following your eating program but you say you should use tinned tuna in brine or spring water.  I really don’t like these.  Will it make such a difference if I have flavoured tuna or salmon, most have about 5-8% fat?  Can I eat these?

Tuna and salmon are oily fish.  The oil that occurs naturally in these fish (omega-3s) is extremely healthy both for heart disease and as an anti-inflammatory. It is therefore acceptable to eat the tuna or salmon that is flavoured or tinned in oil, as it is advisable to eat the fish.  You should consume oily fish at least once a week and other fish twice a week.  Even though a fish like mackerel is high in fat, it is so good for you that it should be included in our diet on a regular basis.  This is definitely one time you can break the rules!

I am still obese even though I have already lost 14kg by following your eating plan.  I am really enjoying it and want to thank you.  But I want to know what will happen to all the excess skin when I lose all my weight.  I have seen on a lot of the makeover TV programs that seriously obese people often have to have surgery to remove it.  I am interested what happens to most dieters?

Skin is very elastic while you are young; as you age the elasticity does decrease.  Skin can stretch enormously and still return to a healthy, taut state after weight loss if you exercise regularly.  When you exercise aerobically you take in more oxygen and that enters the bloodstream and travels around our body into our muscles and close to our skin.  This improves your general circulation and the texture and “health” of the skin with dramatic effects.  The people you see in TV shows having cosmetic surgery are extreme cases remember that if they were not extreme they would not be making a show about them.

They are likely to have lost 60-80kg and not exercised, and to have been obese for a long time.  Understandably, age has some bearing on how our body shrinks back, but be encouraged that many of the successful slimmers I see that have amazing bodies without even a stretch mark.  However, skin elasticity is also determined genetically. Yoyo dieting will result in your skin elasticity decreasing with each time you lose and gain weight.  This time make lifestyle changes permanent!

I have been recently told that my blood pressure is a little high for a woman of 27yrs of age. What would you suggest would be the best way to reduce this problem?

Normalising blood pressure requires lifestyle changes.  Have you been stressed?  Are you overweight?  Do you exercise?  Do other family members suffer from blood pressure? These are the four major issues that contribute to blood pressure.  Stress can often lead to an increase in blood pressure.  Meditation, yoga and exercise can assist you in relieving this stress.  Attempting to bring balance into your life – whether it is overwork, demands of family life or your type A personality, a recent crisis, any of these issues must be addressed and resolved.

If you are overweight you should strive to adapt “normal” eating patterns so that your body loses those excess kilos, which are putting a strain on the heart, and exacerbating your blood pressure problem.  Exercise is most effective in helping reduce both your blood pressure and your weight.  Walking/going to the gym/swimming must be a daily activity, just like washing your teeth.  Blood pressure can be genetic and might require medication, however making lifestyle changes is always a step in the right direction!

I know people eat for different reasons – some because they get bored, or tired or stressed. I eat because I love food – I really enjoy eating.  I can eat until I am stuffed full, and then I will still order an ice cream because it is so delicious.  I cannot control my eating and have gained a lot of weight.  How can I develop the discipline to say no?

People eat for various reasons – often due to habit.  We eat for stress, boredom, social reasons and because the food tastes good.  Most people are enjoyment eaters.  Continually consider your satiety level.  Only eat until you are comfortable never till you are full.  Enjoy small portions. It is hard work to lose weight, you have to exercise self-discipline and a strong will power.  Remember to eat slowly – it takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are full.

Stop, before gobbling dessert! Indulging yourself doesn’t work! Make a conscious decision of what you are eating and consider the consequences and whether they are worth the extra calorific intake.  Making better food choices, eating smaller portions, exercise, and the weight will fall off.  The feeling of well-being should motivate you to continue towards achieving your goal. Losing weight does not require you to starve or deprive yourself of all your favourite yummy foods, however, there is a certain amount of self denial necessary to lose the weight you want.