Melissa Etheridge releases a new anthem to spread the message of love through lyrics and respond to the unjust treatment of the LGBT community in Russia.
Melissa Etheridge is sending Russia a message of love and tolerance with her music. Her newest heartfelt anthem, “Uprising of Love,” has been released on iTunes, and 100% of the proceeds will benefit the Russia Freedom Fund. This U.S. tax-deductible vehicle makes direct financial contributions to LGBT Russian activists.
The out lesbian singer/songwriter wrote the anthem to respond to the unjust treatment of the LGBT community in Russia under Putin’s administration. Last month, Etheridge co-founded a coalition of celebrities and entertainment executives, Uprising of Love, raising money for Russian organizations engaged in creating a safe, respectful and inclusive society for LGBT Russians.
“The lyrics of Uprising of Love came from such a personal and passionate spot in my soul and I’m more than excited to share this anthem with the world,” says Etheridge. “Love is intangible and unpredictable, but it’s the one feeling that is universally experienced and desired by all.”
Purchasing a single makes an immediate and direct financial contribution to LGBT activists in Russia. Uprising of Love was founded by Melissa Etheridge, her partner Linda Wallem, and Dustin Lance Black, Bruce Cohen and Greg Propper.
More than 50 celebrities have already aligned themselves with the cause, such as Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Sara Gilbert, Sigourney Weaver, Christine Vachon, Julianne Moore, Lily Tomlin, Chris Colfer, Sean Hayes and many more. Support the Uprising of Love campaign by downloading, watching or listening to the song.
Uprising of Love is a growing global movement in support of the safety and dignity of LGBTI Russians. Founded and supported by a coalition of leaders in entertainment, sports, politics, philanthropy and business, here is your chance to lend your voice to one of our time’s more urgent human rights issues.
Go to uprisingoflove.org.