Indie Canadian lesbian band Perpetual Detour have created the cutest and quirkiest video clip we have seen in a long time – done all in Lego!
This stop motion Lego video was shot over 2 months and required approximately 60 hours of work to complete.
Over 1600 individual pictures were used in the video (not counting the hundreds of unused pics). This was their first attempt at stop motion; it was fun, but extremely painful at times.
Bump something – redo the the shot. Forget to move a background character – redo the shot. Leave something in the scene that shouldn’t be there – redo the shot. Discover some putty stuck in the lego’s butt – redo the shot. You get the idea.
Thankfully, no band members were harmed in the making of this video.
The video offers a tongue-in-cheek perspective of lesbian relationships.