The conservative Liberal senator continues his attack on the anti-bullying program.
Days after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ordered a review of the anti-bullying Safe Schools program – designed to promote acceptance of LGBT students – Liberal backbencher Cory Bernardi has once again spoken out against the program.
In an email to a supporter of the Safe Schools program, Bernardi claimed that the program “bullies heterosexual children.”
William Russell wrote to Bernardi earlier this month saying he was “unfit for Parliament,” based on his public hostility towards marriage equality and the Safe Schools program.
In the email, Russell said the program creates and supports a “safe environment to the LGBT community,” and that it also “educates students about acceptance, unlike Australian Christian Lobby, Australian Marriage Forum and the Marriage Alliance.”
Bernardi responded to Russell via email, saying, “Bullying isn’t something confined to homosexuals yet you are encouraging a program that actually bullies heterosexual children into submission for the gay agenda.”
Mr Russell has stated, “Cory is saying Safe Schools is being forced upon them but it’s not. Schools and students don’t have to opt-in and it’s not compulsory.”