Marriage Equality advocates are devastated that the ACT’s Marriage Equality (Same-Sex) Bill has been struck down by the High Court, but say the decision paves a clear political and constitutional path for marriage equality.
Australian Marriage Equality National Director Rodney Croome said:
“This is devastating for those couples who married this week and for their families. However, this is just a temporary defeat.”
“ What is far more important is that the ACT’s law facilitated the first same-sex marriage on Australian soil and showed the nation the love and commitment of same-sex couples.”
“The marriages in the ACT prove that this reform is not about politics, but about love, commitment, and fairness.”
Advocates said the High Court’s ruling provided a clear decision that the Federal Government can legislate for marriage equality, yesterday a cross-party marriage equality working group was established, and today Senator Sarah Hanson-Young introduced a Marriage Equality Bill into the Senate:
“We now have a clear political and constitutional path forward for marriage equality, and call on the Prime Minister to grant his party a free vote on the reform.”
The High Court’s summary ruling is available here. The full ruling is expected by 12:50 pm. It is hoped it will cover whether a Territory or State can legislate for same-sex marriage with differently drafted legislation to that of the ACT. More to come…
A press conference will be held outside the High Court at 12:50