A 4-year-old Sydney girl’s letter to Tony Abbott about marriage equality is the most touching thing you’ll read today
Upon hearing that a family friend had to travel to New York to get married because it isn’t legal or recognised here in Australia, 4-year-old Sabrina penned the following letter. She is also worried that Mr Abbott is planning to close down her favourite TV station, the ABC, due to budget cuts.
The text of Sabrina’s letter to Mr Abbott reads:
Dear Tony Abbott,
Don’t get rid of the ABC because we love it. And let boys marry boys and girls marry girls if they love each other or they’ll be sad forever.
Not only does Sabrina have an excellent grasp of the English language for a 4-year-old but she is also incredibly socially aware. This letter really shows that prejudice and discrimination are ingrained traits that we teach our children and that acceptance and understanding of equal love come naturally to them.
Sabrina gave permission for her letter to be sent out and shared with the wider community 🙂
So far the Prime Minister’s office is yet to respond.