Marrickville Council will implement ACON’s Anti-Violence Project, Safe Place, to ensure prejudice and discrimination-free public spaces.
Council will collaborate with ACON on the project, which aims to create official, safe, welcoming and accepting environments for LGBTIQ people across NSW. Marrickville Council’s official Safe Places will include:
- Council’s Administration Building
- Council’s Works Depot
- Tom Foster Community Care Centre
- Petersham Townhall
- Council libraries
- Externally leased spaces, including the Sydney Tennis Centre and Sydney Community College
All Safe Place locations will display a charter outlining a commitment to an environment free of homophobia, transphobia and all other prejudices. Safe Place began in 1991 as a community response to street-based homophobic violence.
ACON‘s Chief Executive Officer, Nicolas Parkhill, said the initiative now focuses on creating a sense of safety, connection and inclusivity for LGBTIQ communities.
“The new Safe Place program engages businesses, services, shops, cafes – any public spaces welcoming, supportive, and actively involved with LGBTIQ communities.
They provide a safe space for LGBTIQ people to be themselves,” said Parkhill.
Mayor of Marrickville Councillor Victor Macri said Safe Place provides an opportunity to positively engage with the LGBTIQ community at a local level.
“Marrickville Council is committed to promoting acceptance and celebrating diversity. While we believe all public spaces should be discrimination-free, our LGBTQ community will likely
feel more comfortable and safe in areas that publicly demonstrate support.” Councillor Macri said