MP Andrew Fraser’s bill for same sex civil unions has passed in Queensland Parliament.
Queensland Deputy Premier, Andrew Fraser‘s bill for same sex civil unions has passed in Queensland Parliament. The bill, introduced by Fraser allows same sex couples to register their union with the Queenland Registry of Birth Deaths and Marraiges affording them many of the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts.
Fraser’s bill was passed 21 years to the day that Labor decriminalised homosexual activities in Queensland. Commenting on his historic bill, Fraser said:
“This bill merely but not meekly seeks to formally recognise relationships which have existed in Queensland for centuries.
“It provides them with the opportunity to celebrate their commitment and their love for one another in a ceremony in front of friends and family, perhaps this is its most important feature.”
Opposition legal affairs spokesman Jarrod Bleijie has described Fraser’s bill as a “stunt’ suggesting it was done to secure he support of the Greens before next year’s election.
Commentd Bieijie, “He (Mr Fraser) did it to stich up a Green preference deal,” Mr Bleijie told Parliament. “This bill is nothing more than a stunt.”
Bleijie also suggested that the bill was of little concern to average Queenslanders.
“Civil partnerships is not on a priority list in the minds of Queenslanders,” he said.”The passing of this bill will not save Queenslanders money, it will not ease cost of living pressures, it will not get our triple-A credit rating back.”
According to the Courier Mail, Premier Anna Bligh said the bill may not be a priority for all of Queensland but it was a priority for those that live with discrimination every single day of their lives.
“The fight against discrimination should be a priority of any government,” she told Parliament.
“This bill is fundamentally about the human rights of Queensland’s citizens, but it is much more than that, it is about the joyful business of love and that is why it has touched the hearts of so many Australians, why so many people believe that Australia should be dealing with this issue.”