Australian Greens LGBTIQ spokesperson Senator Janet Rice congratulated Victoria’s Surf Coast Shire for its courageous and principled support of marriage equality.
“The Surf Coast Shire Council has shown commendable political leadership by flying the rainbow flag in support of the right to marriage equality. At a federal level, ditching the plebiscite has paved the way for the Parliament to decide on marriage equality and it’s high time that Malcolm Turnbull showed some courage of his own by standing up to the right wing of his party and allowing a free vote,” said Senator Rice.
“I congratulate the Surf Coast Shire in taking leadership at a local government level and joining the millions of Australians who simply want marriage equality legislated. It’s time for Malcolm to get on board.”
It’s courageous actions like this that speak volumes and brings us one step closer to together as a nation. Here’s hoping the ripple affect will bring us closer to marriage equality too.