Plus, reactions to Blue is the Warmest Color, the latest from Gaga, and a successful Kickstarter for Women and the Word: The Revival Movie.
Smokin’ hot bi actor Angelina Jolie will be hitting the big screen on May 30, 2014, in Maleficent. We’ve got the teaser trailer for you to watch, where AJ is creepy and sexy all at once. We really don’t know how she does it. Stay tuned for more on the film as the release date nears. [io9]
The sexy Amber Heard recently did a photoshoot for the cover of Company magazine. Check out her behind the scenes video of the shoot! We love her “cowboy boots!” [afterellen]
Out Magazine’s star-studded 100 lists is up and full of names we’re sure you’ll recognize, with the iconic Marriage equality advocate Edie Windsor gracing the pages.

All-female country-rock group Antigone Rising has just announced that they will be performing on a Caribbean Equality & Leadership Cruise Feb. 1–8, 2014. Okay, that’s a little bit far away, so in the meantime, feel free to enjoy their video for “That was the Whiskey.” [youtube]
Realty TV Wifeys Whitney Mixter and Sada Bettencourt (The Real L Word) might be having trouble in paradise. After hinting about it on Instagram, it looks like the two lesbian reality stars will be making an appearance on VH1’s Couples Therapy. Which of course we’ll be watching, for … ahem … work. Yeah, that’s it! [afterellen]

If you haven’t seen Blue is the Warmest Color yet, you should get on that. The film is amazing. If you have seen it, then you know what the extremely long and drawn out sex scene is like—definitely one of a kind. This video shows the reactions of lesbians after viewing said sex scene. It’s awkwardly hilarious. [shewired]
Ash Beckham’s TED talk has been floating around the Internet. The well-known LGBT advocate talks about how coming out of any closet is hard and—wait, you still haven’t watched it? Go. Now. [upworthy]
Colorado College just made “queer” an option on its list of potential gender identities that prospective students can cross off on their applications and is making efforts to explain its decision. Here, here for queer visibility! [huffington]
Here is a must-see short film by YouTube entertainers who go by the handle GirlGirlSceneShow. They put together a scene from Shakespeare’s Othello starring Tucky Williams and Lauren Virginia Albert, two ladies who play the roles of Desdemona and Othello. [onemorelesbian]
Our imaginary girlfriend Rachel Maddow talked about ENDA on Jimmy Fallon. She’s passionate, pretty and really good at breaking it down, as always. [afterellen]
Lady Gaga in a recent interview disputed claims about her status as a “gay icon”: “I never said I was a gay icon. When did that happen? Are those lyrics on the album?” She went on to explain, “I’m a gay supporter.” We appreciate your support, either way, Lady. [huffington]

As of today, the Kickstarter for Women and the Word: The Revival Movie is officially FUNDED! Congrats to the filmmakers and team! Word has it, the documentary will be released in spring 2014. [kickstarter]