Plus, Bradley Manning makes a big announcement.
Let’s begin by welcoming NBC’s Jenna Wolfe and Stephanie Gosk’s daughter Harper Estelle Wolfeld Gosk to the world. Their beautiful daughter was born last night at 7:31 p.m. weighing 7 pounds and 13 ounces. The new mom posted a photo of her daughter on Twitter. Congrats to the couple! [USAToday]

The out model Casey Legler is posing for Diesel’s new fall campaign. And we have to say, we like what we see. [AfterEllen]

Orphan Black’s Tatiana Maslany will guest star in two episodes of Parks and Recreation playing Tom Haverford’s love interest. She will appear in the fifth and sixth episodes of the upcoming season, which begins Sept. 26. [SheWired]
Christina Ricci and out model Ruby Rose share a bed together in their new drama Around the Block appearing next month at the Toronto International Film Festival. [AfterEllen]
Think Kristen Stewart would make a great girlfriend? Buzzfeed does too. For starts she’s looks great in leather, blazers, and flannel, plus she’s a good kisser (so we’ve heard). Read the rest on Buzzfeed. [BuzzFeed]

After Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in military prison yesterday for “the biggest breach of classified U.S. documents in U.S. history,” he announced today that he wants to live as a woman as Chelsea Manning. “As I transition into this next phase of my life, I want everyone to know the real me. I am Chelsea Manning, I am a female,” Manning, 25, said in the statement read on NBC’s ‘”Today” show. Huffington Post has reports on the story. Good for you Chelsea, we applaud your bravery! [HuffingtonPost]