Jane Lynch explains how to cope with A.C.O.D. Plus, we’ve got Demi and Naya singing ‘Here Comes the Sun’
For all of you out there who were devastated at the news that Alex Vause (Laura Prepon) wasn’t returning to season 2 of Orange Is the New Black, breathe a that long sigh of relief. She’s back! Prepon put rumours to rest when she told Variety that although she couldn’t give anything away, she’s “definitely coming back for season two.”
Two more days until the season five premiere, Glee fans! If you just can’t wait until the 26th, though, we’ve got some great pics of Santana (Naya Rivera) and Dani (Demi Lovato) and their budding love story. How cute are they?
Plus, check out this full-length preview of the two lezzy lovebirds singing the Beatle’s “Here Comes the Sun” together. They sound great!
If you were as crushed as we were about Arizona cheating on Callie during the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy, you won’t like this clip any more than we do. Season 10 premieres on Thursday on ABC with a two-part show. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Arizona and Callie are anywhere close to resolving things.
On another note, Amber Riley is seriously heating it up on Dancing with the Stars! The Glee star can definitely do more than just sing! That girl can move!
In a wonderful historical stepping stone, the first openly gay circuit court judge was confirmed by Senate today. Todd Hughes was confirmed unanimously into the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the vote was 98 to 0. Congratulations are in order!
Onscreen bisexual Olivia Wilde is Allure’s cover girl, and the whole photoshoot is accessible for our viewing pleasure.
Elton John has decided that he has to go to Russia this December. While Cher may have turned down the offer to perform at the Russian Olympics, Elton John feels that he has an obligation to support the gay community in the face of Russia’s anti-gay policy measures. Unfortunately, anti-gay activists are getting noisy.
Jane Lynch promotes her film A.C.O.D with an educational video. What is A.C.O.D. you ask? It stands for Adult Children of Divorce, and Jane calmly explains how to cope with it. For example, “The way to feel normal is to remind yourself that the person next to you is probably way more damaged.” I guess we’ll find out when she means when the film opens on Oct. 4. Watch the trailer above.
Cassidy Campbell, a transgender teen and now homecoming queen are crowned at Marina High School in Huntington Beach, Calif. It’s a dream come true for Cassidy, and we’re pretty psyched too.