New Mexico’s highest court declares same-sex marriage legal
New Mexico’s highest court declares same-sex marriage legal. SANTA FE, N.M. — New Mexico became the latest state to legalize gay marriage Thursday as its highest court declared it is unconstitutional to deny marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples.
Justice Edward L. Chavez said in a ruling that none of New Mexico’s marriage statutes specifically prohibits same-sex marriages, but the state’s laws as a whole have prevented gay and lesbian couples from marrying. Happy Holidays!
This cute commercial is China’s first same-sex marriage ad. A young couple wants to get married then decides it’s a good idea to seek the approval of from future groom’s mother.
Nothing too unusual about that, huh? But as conceived by out director Quentin Lee as China’s very first marriage equality PSA, Wedding Plan offers an amazing twist. Hint: Mother always knows best. Enjoy the twist.
There’s a new play on Broadway examining the lives of LGBT individuals.
We know how to make the most of the holidays; check out some music below from Queerty’s star-studded collection of videos to get you through the season.