Our only 24/7 LGBTI radio network made a killing at their last fundraiser, ensuring they’re sticking around for a while yet.
It costs over $2 700 a DAY to keep JOY 94.9 dispersing queerness over the radio wires.
The annual Radiothon is crucial to keeping JOY on air, but apparently, you all already know that, because the 2017 Radiothon was the most successful yet.
“I am totally over the moon with the result,” said Program Director Chris Tait. “The whole team pulled together, shared their personal stories and brought home the fact that we need an independent and strong queer voice in today’s media landscape.”
JOY’s listenership has risen by over 25 000 in the past year, too. Podcast downloads have doubled, and online listenership is at an all-time high, too. So, it’s not been a bad one for JOY.
“There is a demand for LGBTI content, and JOY wants to be the national; voice for the LGBTI community,” said Tait.
Catch JOY on 94.9, online, or on the streets where they are charging ahead with contributions to the YES campaign.